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What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is God's Word. It is the plumb line for our lives.  

The world around us, including all of Christiandom, has an opinion about something that is often based on Dogma... Institutional Doctrine.  That being said... in the end, it is all very manmade and greatly lacking biblical truth. Often just a religious canned opinion learned from one's church, bible college, or seminary that leans into Calvinistic principles. 

Biblical truth is another story.  I do not speak of relative truth (Relativism), but of written, validated, and authenticated truth.  We can not have truth without a plumb line. The plumb line is God's Word, and His Word has been under attack since the garden when the serpent said to Eve - "Did He Really Say?" That is what Grace Apologetics 101 is about. Clarifying scripture that so may simply ignore when they either do not understand it or when they choose to believe their orthodoxy dogma instead.  

I hope you choose to challenge your thinking, or, may I say, think outside of one's box of personal doctrine! Journey with us and see what "God really did say!"  You may find that you will come to find "The Jesus you thought you knew" and maybe what you thought you heard was "Lost in Translation?"


Blessings - Yours in Christ always!

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